Download Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 11 2 0 83 + Crack
برنامج Advanced SystemCare Ultimate من اقوي برامج تسريع جهاز الكمبيوتر وحمايته وتنظيف الملفات الغير مرغوب فيها .. وازالة جميع مخلفات تصفحك علي الانترنت .
وكمان يعتبر اقوي برامج الغاء تجزئة الهارد ديسك وتصحيح اخطاء السيستيم "الويندوز"
والكثير والكثير من المميزات القوية جداً الاخري
برنامج رائع جداً لازم تجربوه
IObit Advanced SystemCare Ultimate joins top enemy of infection capacities, and additionally the officially demonstrated complete PC tune-up capacity.
It has a single tick way to deal with help ensure, repair, clean, and streamline your PC.
In light of /1 positioned BitDefender antivirus innovation and IObit hostile to malware motor, it is a piece of IObit antivirus venture devoting to give increasingly and better esteem included administrations with our clients.
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IObit Advanced SystemCare Ultimate |
• Based on Dual motor: the honor winning BitDefender against infection motor and IObit hostile to malware motor
• Defends against conceivable infection contamination, while accelerates PC quickly meanwhile
• Scans and identifies more dangers, demonstrated by for the most part perceived testing association
• Fast checking capacity gives solid security against infections, spyware and different dangers
• Real-time and proactive assurance distinguishes and stops a wide range of vindictive conduct
• Rapid infection database refreshes gives abnormal state of recognition and keep your security current
• Scans and evacuates spyware and adware with the most recent definition
• Prevents spyware, criminals and pernicious sites with Surfing Protection Technology
• Monitors PC execution in Real-time with Performance Monitor
• Erases the historical backdrop of all exercises in your PC
• Scans and fixes invalid and inappropriate registry sections
• Detects and evacuates invalid startup things
• Searches and Cleans up unused Windows rubbish
• Repairs framework setups, Eliminates System Bottlenecks and Prevents Crashes
• Tunes up Windows to enhance both framework and Internet execution, releases the intensity of your Windows
• Analyzes and Shows itemized data of equipment and Windows
• Two Modes to address every one of client's issues, completes all work with a single tick, Super Easy to Use .
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